CHairman of House Representative Bambang Soesatyo Can Support President Jokowi
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, January 15 2018 - 19:30 IWST
Bambang Soesatyo anggota DPR RI (Foto Dok - Tegal - President Joko Widodo supports the election of Bambang Soesatyo as the new House Speaker replaces Setya Novanto.
"If it has been elected democratically, the government supports the elected choice, highly appreciate, respect the decision," said President Joko Widodo in Tegal, Central Java, on Monday. After reviewing the implementation of tertiary irrigation channel work in the 'cash for work' program at Dukuh Lo, Lebak Siu District, Tegal Regency.
The House of Representatives plenary session on Monday (15/1/2018) approved Bambang Soesatyo as the House Speaker according to the letter of the Golkar Party Faction related to the change of the House Speaker.
A total of 307 DPR members who attended the plenary session agreed to appoint Bambang Soesatyo as Chairman of the House.
"Yes (the replacement of the House speaker) is the dynamics that exist in the House of Representatives, that is the territory of the House of Representatives, that is its territory there, the dynamics of politics there," added the President.
He hopes the cooperation between the government and the DPR can be better established under the leadership of Bambang Soesatyo.
"We hope the cooperation between the government and the House of Representatives is better," said the President.
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