Increase Oil and Gas Production, Pertamina EP Relies on Three Oil and Gas Fields

By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, January 19 2018 - 17:00 IWST

Ilustrasi Migas (ist)
Ilustrasi Migas (ist) - Jakarta - PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 makes three oil and gas fields, namely Sukowati (East Java), CPP Gundih (Jateng), and Donggi-Matindok (Southeast Sulawesi) as a mainstay to increase oil and gas production this year.

"Field unitization Sukowati in Bojonegoro, CPP Gundih in Blora, and Donggi-Matindok in Banggai, Southeast Sulawesi become the mainstay of Pertamina EP Asset 4 to boost oil and gas production," said Pertamina EP Manager 4th Asset 4 Agus Amperianto, in his press conference here on Thursday (1/18/2018).

Agus said oil production from the Sukowati unitization field is targeted to be the largest contributor to Pertamina EP's 4-year oil production, which is more than 6,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD).

The largest gas production comes from CPP Gundih from wells in Kedung Tuban, Kedung Lusi, and Randu Blatung in Blora Regency, Java Tegah for 44 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and Donggi-Matindok of 105 MMSCFD.

"Oil production this year is targeted at 14,032 BOPD, up from the actual realized 2017 of 13,096 BOPD and gas production of 162.93 MMSCFD, up from the realization of 2017 of 143.96 MMSCFD," he said.

The increase of production is also pursued by the Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) through synergy with Pertamina unit business partners, namely PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO), a subsidiary of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi.

Pertamina EP Asset 4 and PHE WMO focus together to increase production from offshore field in Poleng / Gresik field, East Java.

Agus said Pertamina EP Asset 4 targets Pertamina EP Asset 4 oil and gas production to focus on five consolidated priority scale companies, namely consolidation in operating methods, supply chain, and human resource development.

In addition, environmental development as well as reliability of production facilities and equipment.

"To achieve the production target, we will continue to put forward the operation excellence and safety aspects or HSSE," he said.

He admitted to achieving projected targets this year, not an easy effort. There are at least three challenges faced by Pertamina EP Asset 4, which is the investment work related to the company's business development requires anticipation of "compliance" and support from stakeholders in areas that this year enter the political know (local elections).

In addition, cooperation and communication should be enhanced with the principles of KKKS, namely consolidation, communication, coordination, and synergy with all parties in order to work smoothly in the field.

"Third, the challenges in subsurface areas such as wells with problems of turf and others will be addressed with the innovations we continually develop from the 'continous improvement' we have done with the team," he said.

Pertamina EP Asset 4 has the most extensive work area among the other five assets in Pertamina EP. The working area of ​​Asset 4 consists of four fields, namely Cepu Field in Blora, Central Java, Poleng Field in East Java, Donggi-Matindok Field in Banggai District of Southeast Sulawesi, and Papua Field in Sorong Regency, West Papua. (ant)

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