1,126 Prospective Head of Assets Report
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Saturday, January 20 2018 - 18:00 IWST
Wakil Ketua KPK Laode M Syarif
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - A few hours before the deadline for the registration of State Administration's Wealth Report (LHKPN) on Sunday (20/1/2018) only 1,126 prospective regional heads reporting to the KPK.
Based on the page kpk.go.id/id/pollar-pilkada-indonesia total prospective head of the region who reported LHKPN as a condition to progress in contest elections 2018 is totaled 1,126 candidates for regional heads at 02:00:14 pm.
The details are 56 candidates for governor, 55 vice governor candidates, 371 bupati candidates, 368 vice regent candidates, 141 mayors and 135 vice mayors.
Registration of LHKPN candidates for regional heads in KPK is open since January 2, 2018 and will be closed on January 20, 2018.
This means that 91 percent of provinces have reported LHKPN. There are 171 elections in various provinces, districts and cities in Indonesia.
KPK Deputy Chairman Laode M Syarif told media crews saying that LHKPN reporting is very important to be observed by the community.
"Candidates for regional heads must submit LHKPN, LHKPN is very important if he cheats, then the report does not need to be selected." Should be honest to report LHKPNnya," said Laode.
The LHKPN file is one of the requirements for candidates to register to the Election Commission (KPU) of each region.
The requirement to report LHKPN for candidates is set forth in KPU Regulation Number 15 Year 2017 regarding the amendment to KPU Regulation Number 3 Year 2017 article 4 point 1 point k.
In addition, the organizers of the state are required to report their wealth in accordance with Law Number 28 Year 1999 on the Implementation of a Clean and Free State of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism.
Then, Law Number 30 Year 2002 regarding KPK and KPK Regulation Number: 07 of 2016 concerning Registration Procedure, Announcement and Inspection of State Administration Property.
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