PDSI Optimizes Operation of Cyber-55 Rig
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Saturday, February 03 2018 - 18:00 IWST
Blok Migas (Foto Eksplorasi.ID)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - PT Pertamina Drilling Service Indonesia (PDSI) is currently working on one of Jatiasri-9 (Jas-9) fields owned by PT Pertamina EP by optimizing the operation of one of the Cyber-55 Rigs.
Cyber rigs are rigs that are operated and controlled accurately with computer systems. The 1500HP (Horse Power) Rig Cyber-55 with #RIG PDSI # 31.3 / D1500-E code is operated in Jas-9 field since December 30, 2017.
According to Project Manager of PDSI Jawa - KTI (Eastern Indonesia), Comedy, through a written statement received by Antara in Jakarta on Friday, the rig is one of 10 cyber rigs owned by PDSI, purchased since 2011.
The American-made rig, being the main drill for drilling, has many advantages. Among other things operated using the operating system with touch screen / touchscreen, where one monitor can control all existing equipment, can provide information based on drilling activities conducted with the alarm system and warning.
Cyber rig has a maximum setting system, enough to operate one person with the support of 5 600-volt genset engines.
"Of the total 10 cyber rigs we have, we have never stopped to work on exploration projects," he said.
Previously the cyber rig has also been operated in Kalimantan for exploration purposes in the business environment of Pertamina and other Contractor Cooperation Contractors (KKKS) in Indonesia.
Comedy added the PDSI cyber rig has a power of 1500 HP and 1000 HP, where its usage will be adjusted to the depth of drilling that will be done. In this Jas-9 field we operate a 1500HP rig for a depth of 3350 meters," he said.
With the large number of drilling requests using cyber rigs, PDSI plans in 2018 will again procure 6 cyber rigs, namely 3 units of 1500HP and 3 units of 1000HP.
"We are optimistic that the future projection of cyber rigs will be indispensable to our customers, where more safety by minimizing risk, which is one of the considerations of demand for the use of this cyber rig," he added.
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