Hasan: Farmers Must Have Insurance
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, February 11 2018 - 14:00 IWST
Cagub Jabar Kang Hasan (Foto Dok Industry.co.id)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Bandung - Couple Cagub-Cawagub West Java TB. Hasanuddin (Kang Hasan) and Anton Charliyan (Kang Anton) or known as Pair of Hasanah got support from various farmer groups in Bandung Regency. The support is declared in Solokan District of Jeruk, Kabupaten Bandung. Saturday (10/2/2018).
Kang Hasan as Cagub who has a background of farmers admitted to understand the condition of the farmers and will become a shield of the farmers when he was elected governor of West Java later.
"I am a farmer's son and I know the habits of the peasants, and happy to be sad to the peasants, therefore I will be with the peasants," he said as he gave a speech before the farmers' groups.
Kang Hasan asserted that the prosperity of the peasants is the responsibility of a leader and ensures the farmer's life is secure and secure.
"Most importantly, farmers in West Java prosper and feel safe," he said.
On the occasion, Kang Hasan provides assistance, such as agricultural machine tools (alsintan) such as hand tractors, water pumps and various tools needed by farmers in Bandung regency.
Kang Hasan asserted that if he is in charge of leading West Java there are several programs he wants to strive for. Among these are irrigation improvements, stable grain prices that benefit farmers and insurance for farmers if the price of grain is falling. So far, Insurance is only intended for the failed harvest. While the harvest is successful often the price of grain plummeted. "Well the fate of this farmer that we must think so that the peasant is peace and prosperous," he explained.
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