Indonesia Is Possible For A Power of Al-Aqsa Mosque Completed Problems
By : Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, July 31 2017 - 11:10 IWST
5166 - Jakarta - Indonesia can raise the power of countries that can still be expected to give a compact commitment to solve the problems in Palestine, especially in the Al-Aqsa mosque, said member of House Commission I Sukamta.
"Indonesia in this case the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or even the president himself should intervene to raise the countries that can still be expected to provide a cohesive commitment to resolution of this issue," said Sukamta in Jakarta, Monday (31/07/2017)
He said what Israel was doing could not be faced sporadically and reactively. But we must be optimistic Israel can be subdued, the condition of the struggle must be done thoroughly, continuously and compactly.
PKS politician was appreciated Minister Retno who worked hard to raise the power to help resolve the Palestinian issue in particular Al Aqsa have yet taken steps need to be more strategic.
"For example, Indonesia needs to take leadership initiatives in the forefront to rally all the forces," he said.
He considered all the rhetoric to be realized in systematic and structured steps to solve the problem of Al Aqsa and Palestine as a whole.
According to him, the Indonesian government should set an example to the international community through the UN and the Organization Cooperation forum of Islamic Countries (OIC) to be more concrete against Israeli injustice comprehensively.
"The Israeli boycott act as once was leveled by President Joko Widodo could also be a consideration," he said.
Sukamta thinks Arab countries with diplomatic relations with Israel also need to be discouraged for the possibility of boycotting Israel by calculating its strategic value, more harmful or beneficial for the sake of Palestinian independence.
According to him a boycott will compactly make Israel deterrent and willing to follow international decisions such as UN Security Council resolutions. (Ant)
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