Rice Harvest Karawang Reach 342,543 Ton
By : Dina Astria And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, March 02 2018 - 21:00 IWST
Panen Padi (Foto Dok Industry.co.id)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Karawang - Agricultural Service of Karawang regency, West Java predicts rice production at harvest of rendeng season reaches 342,543 tons of dry grain harvest.
"The harvest will take place in March-April 2018. So for two months it is predicted there are 342,543 tons of harvested dry rice harvested," said Head of the local Agriculture Department Hanafi, in Karawang, Thursday (1/3/2018).
He said, at the harvest in the area around Karawang later recorded the area of rice fields to be harvested reached 47,192 hectares, In accordance with the prediction of the Agriculture Department Karawang, harvested rice fields in 47,192 hectares harvest with production 342 543 tons.
Hanafi hopes that the quality of rice production in the harvest will be really good, so the price is high.
"If there is no price game from the middleman, of course the price will be high, so we expect no middleman to play around with the price," he said.
In addition, it is also expected that the Bulog can absorb high-priced farmers' rice during the March-April 2018 highway.
According to data from Agriculture Department Karawang at rendeng season this rice harvest actually happened in Karawang since January. But the peak harvest in rendeng season will occur in March-April.
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