More Aggressive, Trans Property Begins Trans Park Bintaro Development
By : Hariyanto And Aldi Firhand. A | Friday, March 23 2018 - 21:34 IWST
Groundbreaking Trans Park Bintaro (Hariyanto / - Tangerang - CT Corp increasingly aggressive in developing the property business, this time Trans Property re-launched the new project integrated area of Trans Park Bintaro in South Tangerang by doing groundbreaking which was held today, Friday (23/3/2018).
Built on an area of 1.7 hectares with a total gross area of 130,000 square meters, Transpark Bintaro will cover two apartment towers, one Small Office Home Office tower or SOHO as well as Transmart shopping venues as well as game rides
Trans Studio.
Project Director of Trans Park Wibowo Imam said the total investment for Trans Park Bintaro project development reaches Rp 2 trillion, including for land purchase.
"The investment is huge, because it is a property project equipped with rides and retail, the cost to buy equipment to build the Trans Studio and its retail equipment as well," said Wibowo at groundbreaking press conference session Trans Park Bintaro.
The number of apartment units that will be built is 1,480 units consisting of 480 units on the Chicago tower and 1,000 units on the Manhattan tower. While for SOHO will be built as many as 170 units.
Construction of the apartment is targeted to be completed by 2020. Meanwhile, Transmart and Trans Studio are targeted to be completed by 2019.
The selection of Bintaro area by Trans Property for Trans Park Bontaro development due to, Bintaro area is the economic center in South Tangerang which has been equipped with infrastructure facilities.
to be noted, Trans Park is a real estate property company headed by CT Corp., the company has owned apartments and property Trans Park cibubur, juanda, lampung and kupang.
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