First Media-Catchplay Collaborate Presents Home Movie Thrill

By : Hariyanto And Aldi Firhand. A | Thursday, April 12 2018 - 21:06 IWST

First Media Chief Marketing Officer, Liryawati
First Media Chief Marketing Officer, Liryawati - Jakarta - First Media announced its partnership with Catchplay which is one of the largest providers of Video on Demand in Southeast Asia.

With a large selection of top quality cinema movies, Catchplay can be enjoyed at First Media X1 Smart Box with superior internet connection, giving customers a home theater cinema experience with friends and friends.

With such cooperation, various Catchplay movies can now be enjoyed by First Media customers. Customers can enjoy the cinematic experience directly from the wide screen TV conveniently at home using the remote control (for X1 Smart Box users only), and / or download the Catchplay app to watch from mobile devices.

Customers can freely enjoy their favorite movies non-stop through a variety of devices that exist anytime and anywhere at an affordable price.
Premium Supreme, Maxima, Ultimate and Infinite Premium customers who already have the X1 Smart Box can enjoy Catchplay in their packages at no additional cost.

With unlimited access to thousands of movies on Catchplay's Movie Lovers Unlimited and about 70-100 other titles added each month, customers will never run out of movies to watch.

For First Media X1 Smart Box Elite subscribers, D'Lite, Family Plus, and Family, they can enjoy free trials for two months, as well as special pricing of Rp 31,800 / month for the third month and so on.

While other First Media subscribers (excluding users) can enjoy free trials one month, and a special rate of Rp 31,800 / month starting from the second month and so on.

If you have not decided to subscribe monthly, all movies in Catchplay are also available for rent from Rp 15,000 to 22,000 movie titles. for First Media customers, all transactions can be made through First Media bill.
First Media Chief Marketing Officer Liryawati said First Media as a pioneer and leader in Pay TV services and broadband Internet in Indonesia is committed to helping improve interaction among people, reducing the generation gap and strengthening family relationships by sharing
pleasure or hobby.

"First Media - Catchplay cooperation aims to restore togetherness and warmth in the house," said Liryawati in Jakarta, Wednesday (11/4/2018).
Meena Kumari Adnani, Executive Vice President (EVP) of Content Development and Business Affairs First Media explains, the addition of OTT services such as Catchplay into additional services that can strengthen existing First Media services, ranging from high-quality broadband, to pay-TV services that include most HD channels and 4K.

"We believe by providing an on-demand movie service, which includes the latest big blockbusters and movies updated on a weekly basis, our First Media movie lovers will be able to enjoy them in the comfort of their own homes."

Meanwhile, Catchplay Group CEO Daphne Yang said, during the last 2 years Catchplay provides entertainment content for movie lovers in Indonesia. Based on research, family and movie-lovers are very enthusiastic about Catchplay services because of the availability of big screen and broadband internet network quality can enjoy the best movies to the fullest.

"Therefore, we are very pleased with this partnership, as it brings Catchplay content to First Media customers home and provides an exciting experience to enjoy home cinema," said Daphne Yang.

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