This is the Favorite Property Location in Surabaya
By : Ahmad Fadli And Aldi Firhand. A | Sunday, May 06 2018 - 22:34 IWST
Surabaya City - Jakarta - As one of the largest cities in Indonesia, Surabaya is also one of the cities coveted the seekers of the house. Based on data from Lamudi, Surabaya became the third most search city after Jakarta and Bandung.
Then in which locations in Surabaya the most targeted by the home seeker? Throughout the year 2017, conducted a survey, based on the results of the survey is known, it turns out many visitors Lamudi mengincar area Rungkut, Wiyung and Kenjeran.
For Rungkut own area, the average price of houses there reached Rp 10,625,000 per square meter. While in the area of Wiyung house prices there Rp 13.181.818 per square meter, while for the area of Kenjeran reach Rp 11.143.791 per square meter.
According to Mart Polman, Managing Director of Lamudi Indonesia, there are several reasons why Surabaya is currently the target area for property seekers. One of them is the massive development of infrastructure there, such as the West Outer Ring Road (JLBL), the East Outer Ring Road (JLTL) and the East Ring Road (JLLDT) or known as Middle East Ring Road (MERR) II C.
Not only that, Mart said, Surabaya City Government will also realize the development of mass transportation through the program of Mass Rapid Transit (AMC) in the form of tram and monorail. So it can facilitate the activities of the community there.
"In addition to infrastructure development, economic growth in Surabaya can also increase the purchasing power of the people there, so it can encourage the high demand for property especially in Surabaya," said Mart.
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