BNI Expands Financing Support for Sugar Cane Farmers through KUR in Mojokerto
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Tuesday, May 15 2018 - 23:00 IWST
Ilustrasi Petani Tebu (atr) - Jakarta - PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BBNI) expanded its financing support to sugar cane farmers by using the People's Business Credit scheme in Mojosarirejo Village, Gedeg Sub-District, Mojokerto Regency, East Java.
Director of Small Business and BBNI Network, Catur Budi Harto, said that the company is ready to finance the sugar cane farmers with KUR Linkage scheme through PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) and One on One scheme.
"The linkage scheme is collaboration between BNI, Cooperative, and PTPN. In this scheme cooperatives apply for credit to BNI, then Cooperatives continue to lend credits to farmers Cooperatives become buyers (offtaker) that accommodate farmers harvest to be deposited to the sugar factory for grinding , "said Chess in a written statement in Jakarta, Monday (14/05/2018).
Explained, after the sale of PTPN to deposit payment proceeds to cooperative accounts in BNI after deducting the obligations of cooperatives in BNI and the last payment of obligations to the BNI Cooperative BNI.
Meanwhile, for one on one scheme is the same as linkage, but the difference is farmers who have got recommendation from sugar factory that can apply credit to BNI.
Chess added that the move is part of the company's support to the government's program in realizing food and energy security and prospering farmers.
"In the early stages of financing BNI gave to 197 farmers with total lending of Rp1, 5 billion," he explained.
Recorded until May 11, 2018, the company has managed to distribute KUR reached Rp6, 85 trillion, or equivalent to 50.76 percent of the target KUR to be distributed in 2018 of Rp13, 5 trillion.
The distribution of KUR was done symbolically to three sugarcane farmers built by PTPN X and BNI which was held in the middle of the visit of Minister of State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Rini M Soemarno to East Java.
Minister of SOE RI reviewed the location of cutting and planting sugar cane in one of sugar cane farmland owned by farmers of PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) X and BNI in Mojosarirejo Village.
Attend to watch the distribution of KUR is President Director of BNI Achmad Baiquni, Director of Small Business and Network BNI Catur Budi Harto, and CEO of BNI Region Surabaya Muhammad Jufri.
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