Ramadan, Kementan Increases Food Stocks 20-30 Percent
By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Tuesday, May 22 2018 - 00:30 IWST

Mentan Amran Sulaiman bersama DPR
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - The government continues to strive to maintain the stability of food supply conditions in the community during the month of Ramadan until Idul Fitri. Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman met by media crews while attending a National Seminar organized by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) stated that it has increased food supply by 20-30 percent than its usual days.
"Once again we are giving to all the people of Indonesia, for food, enough, more than enough (stock) .We have ready 20-30 percent of normal stock for Ramadan, we ask traders, do not raise the price," explained Minister Amran.
Previously, in the same place, the Minister of Agriculture together with the Chairman of the House of Representatives Bambang Soesatyo and Member IV BPK Prof. Rizal Djalil became a speaker in the National Seminar on Food Availability: Self-sufficiency vs. Import (Audit Result of BPK RI) at Auditorium BPK RI Central Jakarta. Also attending various elements in charge of rice such as House of Representatives Commission IV, Bulog, KPPU, Local Government, and the Association of Rice.
Member IV BPK Prof. Rizal Djalil in his presentation considered that food commodities, especially rice, became very strategic role for the sovereignty of the nation. "Master the oil then you will control the nation, the food will then you control the community," said Djalil quoted United States leader Henri Kissinger. Djalil highlighted the competition for food needs in terms of consumption and selling value became very crucial in the competition of trade between countries. In addition, Djalil also appreciated the achievements of agricultural land expansion in the era of Minister Amran. "The Minister of Agriculture with his staff has succeeded in printing new rice fields, with the main pockets of Java and South Sulawesi", he said. "There is an opinion that it is stopped, I think it is not wise, if there is a problem with oencetakan it, we fix it, and not the program is stopped", he added further.
"Talking about food, this is a big business, trillions business, only capital paper, profit can be achieved in a short time", the first statement expressed by the Chairman of the House of Representatives Bambang Soesatyo.
In the forum, various things that have been achieved by the Ministry of Agriculture got its own appreciation from members of the House of Representatives Commission IV Muchtar Luthfi. "I or we all certainly appreciate the achievements of the Minister of Agriculture that has managed to increase production and even export", he explained. In the forum Minister Amran revealed that the Ministry of Agriculture focused on increasing production of more than 400 agricultural commodities. Some have reaped results, ranging from increasing exports, to reversing the situation from import to export.
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