Prohibition of Former Legislative Candidate Prisoners Needs to be Appreciated
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Saturday, June 02 2018 - 16:00 IWST
Ilustrasi tersangka - Kupang - A political observer from Muhammadiyah University of Kupang, Dr Ahmad Atang, said that the Election Commission's decision prohibiting former corrupt criminals to be legislative candidates should be appreciated.
"Observing the KPU's decision prohibiting ex-corrupt prisoners from becoming candidates should be given an appreciation because it will provide an improvement on the image of our parliamentary institution," Ahmad Atang said in Kupang, Saturday (2/6/2018)
He puts it forward, answering questions related to the pros and cons surrounding the KPU's decision prohibiting former corrupt prisoners from becoming candidates.
Polemics about the KPU's decision prohibiting ex-corrupt prisoners from becoming candidates continue to roll that reap the pros and cons.
According to him, should all parties need to support and give an appreciation because it will provide an improvement of the image of parliamentary institutions.
It is no secret that one of the most corrupt institutions is the People's Legislative Assembly, so the opportunity for corruption is very open.
If the House is filled by ex-prisoners it is not impossible that corruption will reappear because they are in an unsterile environment.
"So for me, KPU's decision is in line with the spirit of this nation that is actively combating corruption," he said.
Thus, those who approve the corruption prisoner to be a candidate need to be suspected of his commitment in creating a clean and authoritative government, he said. (Ant)
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