Discuss Radicalism in Campus, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Collects Rector PT
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Tuesday, June 26 2018 - 15:00 IWST
Menteri Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Menristekdikti) Muhammad Nasir (Foto ist)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education has gathered a number of rectors of state and private universities to discuss the prevention of radicalism in the campus environment.
"This coordination meeting aims to tackle radicalism in the campus environment," said Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) Mohamad Nasir in a press conference in Jakarta, Monday (25/06/2018)
Nasir explained the coordination meeting to synergize between universities, ministries, and the National Agency for Counter-Terrorism (BNPT).
According to him, the campus should not be exposed to radicalism.
"I always assure that the campuses in Indonesia are free from radicalism and terrorism," he said.
In the council, it also requested that universities present programs to prevent the exposure of radicalism in the campus environment.
In addition, Nasir also asked the rectors to strengthen national insights, especially in the campus environment.
Head of BNPT Suhardi Alius said the young generation must be guarded from radicalism.
For that, it provides input on the campus and what the solution if the campus is exposed to radicalism.
"We provide information to the rector of campus dynamics and how the mechanism of spreading radicalism in the campus environment," he said.
In addition to providing input to the rectors, BNPT also visited campuses to explain the dangers of radicalism that threaten the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
His side always convey about the issue of nationality and then efforts to prevent the spread of radical understanding on campus.
Suhardi hoped that students would understand the dangers of radical understanding.
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