Inaugurate 5 Echelon II Officials, Minister of Agriculture Asks Focus on Increasing Farmers Welfare
By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, July 04 2018 - 04:00 IWST
Mentan Amran Andi Sulaiman - Jakarta - Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) RI Andi Amran Sulaiman inaugurated and took oath of office of 5 Echelon II Officials. The inauguration of these new officials was held at the Head Office of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) RI Ragunan area, Jakarta.
In his speech, to the Officials of the Minister of Agriculture Amran advised to protect the peasants, do not taunt the poor and have to protect the farmers so that their welfare increases. All achievements and achievements that have been achieved by Kementan in 4 years of his tenure as Minister of Agriculture is the result of hard work of all employees of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) scope.
"We have a lot of breakthroughs and achievements, our exports are rising," said Amrandi Jakarta, Tuesday (3/7/2018).
Prior to the inauguration, Amran Sulaiman admitted hearing that there was an empty echelon II position for up to 6 months. Amran requested that the Secretary-General of Kementan require all echelon III officials to register to avoid vacancies, so that the service function of the farmers in Indonesia can run optimally.
"Do not void. We work in Kementan's course to rise his career. List all yes. Six months before the relevant official retires, immediately conduct an auction of office to prepare a replacement official, "he said.
In addition, Amran ensured the Sejahter People's Poverty Surgery (Working) program will be resumed soon. This program was postponed yesterday during the campaign and elections election, because it comes always suspected.
"Now we start again as an effort to prosper our farmers," he said.
The inauguration of the new echelon II officials is based on Ministerial Decree (KepMen) no. 474 / Kpts / KP / 230/7/2018 on Dismissal, Transfer and Appointment in the Position of Primary Leader in the Ministry of Agriculture.
The appointed officials include Dr. Ir. Mohammad Takdir Mulyadi M.P. as Director of Food Crop Seeds, Directorate General of Food Crops, Ir. Bambang Sugiharto M.Eng. Sc. as Director of Cereals, Directorate General of Food Crops, Ir. Ali Jamil M.P. PhD. as Director of Various Beans and Tubers General Directorate of Food Crops,
Ir. Indah Megahwati M.P. as Director of Extension and Land Protection Directorate General of Infrastructure and Agricultural Facility, Ir. Rahmanto M.Sc. as Director of Agricultural Irrigation Directorate General of Infrastructure and Agricultural Facility.
In the inauguration of the new officials also read and sign the Integrity Pact, which is a promise of officials' commitment to participate proactively in the prevention of corruption practices of nepotism collusion, do not blame, not receive gratuities in the conduct of office, and be transparent honest and accountable.
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