BKPM Supports Implementation of OSS System
By : Ridwan And Aldo Bella Putra | Tuesday, July 10 2018 - 00:00 IWST
Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Thomas Lembong
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - Head of BKPM Thomas Lembong asserted that the OSS system arranged in PP-24/2018 is a positive and comprehensive milestone to synchronize the regulation of licensing in central and Regional.
According to Thomas, for investment or business activities that have been running, then can adjust the licensing through OSS System, either to obtain the Number of Parent Enterprises (NIB) or the extension or change of business license and or commercial license.
Currently, the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy has made OSS Lounge expected to be standard in all PTSP. In the OSS Lounge there are self-service, assisted services, priority services, general investment consultations, and clinics.
Task Force units to oversee the process of completing licensing attempts have been established in all Provinces. While the formation of Task Force at the district / city level has also been almost completely complete, just waiting for the endorsement in a number of districts / cities.
Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution together with the Ministers and Heads of Related Institution inaugurated the implementation of Online Single Submission System (OSS).
The Electronic Integrated Licensing Service (PBTSE), more easily referred to as generic OSS is present in the framework of the business licensing service applicable in all Ministries, Institutions and Local Governments throughout Indonesia, which has been done through One Stop Integrated Licensing (Pintu Terintadu Satu Pintu) PTSP). In addition to PTSP, people can access the OSS System online anywhere and anytime.
"The OSS, whose implementation is regulated in Government Regulation No. 24 of 2018, is the government's effort to simplify business licensing and to create a fast and cheap licensing service model, and to provide certainty," Coordinating Minister Darmin said Monday (9/7/20180
With the OSS system, Darmin added, the business license will be obtained by the business actor in less than an hour.
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