S.D. Darmono Called Jababeka As Open University

By : Hariyanto And Aldi Firhand. A | Sunday, July 15 2018 - 22:07 IWST

Halal Bi Halal Great Family Jababeka & Co
Halal Bi Halal Great Family Jababeka & Co

INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - On various occasions especially in front of its employees, S.D. Darmono, founder of Jababeka often called PT. Jababeka as an open university.

Which means, here employees while working can learn many disciplines and gain valuable experience. Jababeka also provides space for employees who have either retired or resigned to remain partners.

Proven, what is delivered S.D. Darmono was spotted when several Jababeka alumni attended Halal Bi Halal event of Jababeka & Co. Family. It appears that Ato Sunarto, Eman Sulaeman, Emir Sadikin, Edy, Vony and many others.

Quoted from cikarangpos, Ato who used to once joined in PT. Grahabuana Cikarang now has many businesses such as culinary, institute courses, training institutions and more. When delivering the testimony, Ato revealed in the near future there will be a Great Alumni Reunion Jababeka.

"I was given an opportunity by Jababeka to prepare Jababeka employees who will retire to become entrepreneurs. In Jababeka, we were given a chance to learn a lot, the proof I can still partner with Jababeka. I held a race in Hollywood Juction also with Jababeka. So we can synergize with Jababeka despite being outside.

Ato, the potential in Jababeka is very much, for example in Jababeka there was empty land, but now it has been managed to become Jababeka Ornamental Crop Center. "There are dozens of ornamental plants in Jababeka we invite here to look neat and good, and there is a lot of potential in Jababeka that has not been worked out yet," said Ato who is incorporated in the TDA Entrepreneurial community (Tangan Di Atas).

Ato who is currently busy traveling around Indonesia to provide training to BRI employees throughout Indonesia, said the main capital does not have the money, experience, skills and education, but network or networking that must be maintained.

For example, Mrs. Vony is a successful caterer with the Dafio brand, from being an employee continuing to keep her network up to now. The key to success being alumni, it's a lot to learn and apply.

"I used to learn then apply and succeed. Now I share time, not necessarily money but can share experience. Alhamdulillah I have networking all over Indonesia through TDA entrepreneurial community, "said Ato.

He added, through the sophistication of technology such as social media, it can connect with friends all over Indonesia. "This is the importance of collaboration, if there was a Superman term now there is Superteam, now I collaborate with Jababeka to prepare its employees after retirement Thank you Jababeka, thank you Pak Darmono give the opportunity to study and until now still considered big family Jababeka," said Ato.

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