Minister of Industry Encourages Development of 5G Digital Infrastructure for Industrial Estates

By : Ridwan And Aldi Firhand | Wednesday, July 25 2018 - 00:45 IWST

Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto (Foto: Dok. Kemenperin)
Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto (Foto: Dok. Kemenperin) - Jakarta, Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is encouraging the development of digital infrastructure such as the increase of the Internet network into 5G for industrial areas.

This effort is expected to foster an innovation ecosystem conducted by the manufacturers located within the region especially in the face of the industrial revolution era 4.0.

"Implementation of the 4.0 industry certainly requires data rates of up to 5G. This is as part of a strategic step in implementing the Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap, especially regarding the development of national digital infrastructure and the development of an innovation ecosystem," said Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto in Jakarta, Tuesday (24/7 / 2018).

In order to realize it, Kemenperin coordinate with the Ministry of Communications and Informatics. This partnership provides connectivity in industrial areas.

"We can use Palapa Ring infrastructure which is fiber optic based network for 5G network," explained Minister of Industry.

Added Airlangga, for industrial area managers who want to be used as a pilot project in the implementation of 5G internet network, they can apply to the Ministry of Industry.

"This technology is being prepared, the prototype will be launched in the implementation of the Asian Games," he said.

Meanwhile, in an effort to transform into a digital economy based on increasing added value, the Ministry of Industry continues to encourage national industry players to immediately seize opportunities for the use of the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotic, and 3D printing.

"The goal is to be more efficient and improve productivity and quality," he added.

The five manufacturing industry sectors that are being promoted as pioneers in implementing the fourth industrial revolution in the country according to Making Indonesia 4.0, namely the automotive industry, electronics, chemistry, textiles and clothing, as well as food and beverages.

Menperin optimistic, 4.0 industry implementation is also able to create an inclusive or comprehensive economic growth because it can touch to small and medium industries (IKM) as the majority sector of industrial population in Indonesia. Therefore, Kemenperin has built IKM e-Smart platform.

"We formulated a digital environment to increase the growth of SMIs in the country. We also identified several SMIs that have used the marketplace, such as the food and beverage, jewelry, cosmetics, fashion and handicraft sectors," he concluded.

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