Pertamina Asset 4 Field Cepu Targets Production of Wonocolo Traditional Wells Increasing to 400 Barrels Per Day
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, September 09 2018 - 16:00 IWST
Buruh tambang migas rakyat. (Ist) - Bojonegoro - PT Pertamina Asset 4 Field Cepu targets the Wonocolo traditional oil well, in the Kedewan Subdistrict, Bojonegoro Regency to increase its production to 400 barrels per day.
"The minimum target can increase to 400 barrels per day, from BUMDs and KUDs. Now in Bojonegoro 200 to 250 barrels per day," said General Manager of PT Pertamina Asset 4 Field Cepu, Agus Amperianto, Thursday (09/06/2018).
The problem, said Agus, is that currently the amount of mining production carried out traditionally has not fluctuated and there are still many sales out. "There are still a lot of outside mining that has not been submitted to KUD and BUMD," he said.
He hopes that, even though it is targeted to produce production, it can still carry out activities while remaining friendly to the environment and the local community. "Can carry out operations in full safety and benefit for all," he hoped.
For information, currently the management of the old oil well in Wonocolo is managed by Regionally Owned Enterprises (BUMD) PT Bojonegoro Bangun Sarana (BBS) and the local KUD.
The number of wells managed by traditional miners in Wonocolo is currently around 700 wells. However, not all of them are paid to KUD or BUMD. (Bj)
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