Bank DKI Supports Inauguration of Samsat Pluit Village Outlet
By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Thursday, August 17 2017 - 22:56 IWST
5166 - Jakarta -Supporting services to taxpayers in DKI Jakarta, Bank DKI welcomes the presence of Samsat Mall Pluit Vilage which has recently been inaugurated. The inauguration was conducted by Jakarta Provincial Secretary, Saefullah, Head of DKI Jakarta Regional Tax and Retribution Board, Edi Sumantri, Director of Traffic Polda Metro Jaya, Halim Pagarra, and Director of Business of Bank DKI, Antonius Widodo.
"With the increasing number of tax payment options, taxpayers will be more facilitated in payment so that expectations of revenue from motor vehicle taxes increased," said Antonius Widodo in Jakarta, Thursday (17/08/2017).
Business Director of Bank DKI, Antonius Widodo said that the Samsat Shop at Pluit Village Mall is an implementation of harmonious cooperation ie Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya, DKI Jakarta Regional Tax and Retribution Agency, PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) DKI Jakarta and Bank DKI with Lippo Mall Pluit Vilage.
He also mentioned that the Samsat Mall Pluit Village is an integrated service to serve the taxpayers, and it is opened not only for Pluit and Pantai Indah Kapuk residents, but also all Jakarta citizens can come here because the vehicle data in the Jakarta area is online.
The tax payment service served in this outlet is only for the annual tax. For 5 yearly tax or renewal of vehicle registration must still be in local Samsat, because the vehicle physical check mechanism must be done. In addition to visiting Samsat Store, the taxpayer can conduct payment of Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB), Motor Vehicle Name Fee (BBNKB), and payment of Mandatory Donation of Road Traffic Accident Fund (SWDKLLJ) which can be done through E Samsat by using e-channel Bank DKI such as ATM Bank DKI.
PKB payment method is very easy say Antonius Widodo. Owners of vehicles simply come to the nearest Bank DKI ATM, Select main menu for payment PKB / STNK, input number
Vehicle and input alfabeth code. If successful inquiry will be out the amount of bills to be paid, for No Police, Brand, Type, Transaction Module, and Nominal PKB. Customer will be debited according to the total amount, then if agreed then choose Pay. The receipt of payment receipt is taken to Samsat for obtaining the registration certificate and printing of its annual tax assessment letter.
He said that the payment service via E-Samsat aims to support the receipt of local revenue from the tax sector. "Payment system of Bank DKI is very supportive for E Samsat program due to Bank DKI network Host to Host with Diskoinfomas and SAMSAT Polda Metro Jaya system. In principle, PKB payment via ATM is an extension of service to the people "said Antonius Widodo.
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