Chief of Police Command All Local Police Standarized Investigation Information
By : Herry Barus And Aldi Firhand. A | Saturday, August 19 2017 - 08:30 IWST
Police Chief Gen (Pol) Tito Karnavian, (Foto Ist) - Jakarta - National Police Chief General Tito Karnavian ordered all police and criminal detainees throughout Indonesia to standarize investigation and case-handling investigation information.
"Actually I have tossed quite a long time into the ranks of all Criminal Investigations and all polda for manual system replaced more standard system," said Police General Tito Karnavian in Jakarta Friday (18/08/2017)
Tito said the standard case handling information system will change to a system called "case management information system" which applies nationally.
Through the system, the four-star general police revealed that the public would know the number of cases handled by police throughout Indonesia.
In addition, case handling supervision will be stronger, professional and easy to know when deviations occur, and leaders can easily monitor investigators.
Currently according to Tito, information system investigation and investigation of cases in the police force manual.
"My hope, Bareskrim set up nationally," said the former Metro Jaya police chief.
Tito appreciated the steps of the Directorate General of Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya which has formalized the standardization system for handling cases of community reports.
Tito also added that Polri signed a memorandum of understanding with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) related to the Online Order Investigation Order (SPDP) system online.
Including with prosecutors and courts for file transfers and searches, seizures, and verdicts.
Even some prisons in collaboration with police officers inform online against detainees who are already free for the benefit of the investigation
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