The Government Still Wants to Keep the KPK
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, September 10 2017 - 18:30 IWST - Astana - Vice President Jusuf Kalla said the government still wants to maintain the existence of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to carry out tasks to eradicate corruption.
"The government is in a position to maintain even want the KPK stronger. If want to freeze the KPK must have to change the law," said Vice President on his sidelines to Astana, Kazakhstan, Saturday (09/09/2017)
He said the government maintains its independence and does not want to interfere in the internal affairs of the KPK. But it is expected that the agency will solve the problems that occur and remain solid.
"The government certainly cannot interfere in, the Commission has its own procedures in accordance with the law," added the Vice President.
Previously, the Special Committee for the Right to Question KPK delivered 11 meeting points, while conducting investigative duties related to KPK duties and authorities.
KPK Commissioner Commissioner Hendry Yosodiningrat assessed the pansus should be able to convince the government and the public that the findings obtained are a condition that must be improved.
Therefore, according to him, whoever hears and knows it must accept the recommendation of the Pansus such as restoring the authority of the Police and the Attorney General.
"Because they carry out some of the authority possessed by the Police as investigators, and prosecution from the Attorney General," he said.
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