Tomorrow, Hundreds of Knitting Umbrella Will Decorate Umbrella Festival Indonesia 2017

By : Chodijah Febriyani And Aldi Firhand A | Thursday, September 14 2017 - 22:27 IWST

Festival Umbrella Indonesia (Photo: http: //
Festival Umbrella Indonesia (Photo: http: // -Solo - Indonesia Umbrella Festival 2017 will be held at Pura Mangkunegaran, Solo, Central Java, on 15 to 17 September. There will be hundreds of umbrella knit works from various cities in Indonesia such as Lhokseumawe, Medan, Lampung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Magelang, Madiun, Bali, and other cities.

"There are 127 knit umbrellas from various regions with their own characteristics, these umbrellas all have artistic value both in the motif and the umbrella model," said Heru Mataya, Chairman of Indonesia Umbrella Festival 2017, Monday (9/10/2017) as quoted from Ministry of tourism Facebook account.

The theme of this festival is Sepayung Indonesia. Heru explained that the theme was taken to describe Indonesian people although many tribes, religions and races with their respective culture, but still in one umbrella, Indonesia.

"Starting because of the diversity of Indonesia which is a gift, and full of color, but lately there are various threats to tolerate, so we want to knit the nation's sense of unity," Heru said.

In addition to the exhibition of hundreds of knitting umbrellas, Heru added, there will be fashion show fabrics lurik and umbrella from various regions in Indonesia, dance performance maestro in Indonesia, and not miss the photography workshop by Darwis Triadi.

"For the dance maestro, there are some big names such as Didik Nini Thowok, Ayu Bulantrisna Djelantik, Hasi Munasiah Daeng Jinne, and others There are 6 maestros who will perform at the closing of the event on September 17," said Heru.

Heru added, at the event, there will also be workshops and umbrella exhibitions typical of Thailand. He hoped, through the umbrella of the Indonesian Umbrella Festival can lift the name of Solo in the world.

"Because in that country, the umbrella festival there has been strong for 45 years, at least in parallel with similar festivals in Thailand that have been strong, and can increase the amount of tourism to come to Solo," said Heru.

From the Ministry of Tourism, Deputy of Tourism Marketing Development of Nusantara Esthy Reko Astuti, "Hopefully the tourists also make the package to Solo after knowing our other areas and the development of our festivals in the area including the Indonesian Umbrella Festival," he concluded.

Based on the data, Jogja, Solo, and Semarang, deserves a list of areas that are branding in international tourism marketing. Because, Joglosemar or Jogja-Solo-Semarang, also entered the area that is branding in international tourism marketing by Ministry of Tourism.

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