Half of the Million Houses Target Fulfilled by REI
By : Herry Barus And Aldi Firhand. A | Friday, September 15 2017 - 11:59 IWST
Home Minister Tjahjo Kumolo, Chairman REI Soelaiman and Chairman APEKSI Airin at the Indonesia Future City & REI Mega Expo (Photo Rizki Meirino))
INDUSTRY.co.id - Tangerang - Chairman of the Central Board of Real Estate Companies Indonesia (DPP REI) Soelaeman Soemawinata ensure half the target of a million homes proclaimed by the government can be filled members from various regions.
"We have realized as many as 260 thousands, plus our commitment until the end of 2017 as much as 200 thousands. Thus almost half can be met from our members," said Soelaeman in South Tangerang City, Thursday, on the implementation of National Work meeting (Rakernas) of REI.
In his report to Minister of Home Affairs Tjahtjo Kumolo, Soelaeman said, the construction of subsidized houses that become government programs is done almost 80 percent of REI members amounting to 3000 so it is the highest record ever achieved.
Soelaeman said that the REI member's production can be improved as long as regional licensing issues can be solved, it is expected that local governments will comply with central government policies.
"The regulation is clearly stated in Government Regulation No. 64 of 2016 on" Low-Income Housing Development ", but the realization on the ground is not that many members are still confronted with the simplification of permit to build houses for low-income people," said Soelaeman.
According to Soelaeman, there are still mayors and regents who have not implemented the policy because of the conflict of local regulations, to change it requires further coordination with the DPRD. Should both private and central and local governments have the same spirit to realize the program a million homes.
Soelaeman said, in the implementation of REI Rakernas this time also held a house exhibition titled REI Mega Expo 2017 which the majority followed by developers who build subsidized homes in these areas.
"One thing that is unique is that in the exhibition of subsidized housing property is located at the back, so in this exhibition we give free in the front lot so that visitors can directly see the cheap dwelling," said Soelaeman.
Soelaeman is also resolved along with other REI members to keep the spirit and strive to realize the construction of homes for low-income communities.
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