Minister Rini Targets Two Holding of State-Owned Enterprises Established this Year
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Thursday, September 21 2017 - 16:00 IWST
Presiden Jokowi, Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno mendengarkan penjelasan Dirut BNI Achmad Baiquni tentang Mobile Payment (Mopay) BNI, Rabu (20/9) (Foto Rizki Meirino) - Jakarta- SOE Minister Rini Soemarno targets the holding of state-owned mining companies and state-owned oil and gas companies to be completed before the end of 2017.
"We are projected to finish this year," said Rini on the sidelines of Indonesia Business Expo (IBDExpo) 2017, at the Jakarta Convention Center on Wednesday (from the side of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises is already waiting for the process) 20/9/2017)
According to Rini, after the two holding will be continued with the formation of other holding in 2018, such as holding state-owned financial services, holding state-owned construction, holding state-owned toll roads, and holding state-owned enterprises.
She acknowledged that in the formation of state-owned enterprises holding various sectors needed the same thoughts and perceptions.
"It needs equality perception because there are still among state-owned enterprises whose thoughts are not in line," she said.
Even so, Rini is optimistic that the establishment of state-owned holding companies can be more advanced in terms of performance as it will spur business and operational efficiency.
"By bringing together similar or similar businesses, many business factors can be streamlined, because they do not overlap, especially in the same market," she said.
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