Head of Region Must Know Area Prone to Corruption
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, September 27 2017 - 19:00 IWST
Menteri Dalam Negeri, Tjahjo Kumolo (Ist)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Padang - Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo again reminded the heads of regions to understand the prone areas of corruption in order to prevent stuck corrupt behavior that must deal with law enforcement agencies or netted KPK's hand operations.
"During the three years of the reign of President Jokowi has 33 heads of the region are entangled in corruption, as long as the KPK has 351 heads of localities are caught not to mention the child and his wife," he said in Padang, Tuesday (26/09/2017) night.
He delivered this at a friendly meeting with the Governors, Regents and Mayors and Coordination Forum of Regional Leaders of West Sumatra, Members of the Provincial DPRD as well as regional devices to the Village Head of Padang City.
Tjahjo explained that corruption-prone areas include official travel expenses, budgeting, tax and local retribution, procurement of goods and services, buying and selling of office and grant and bansos expenses.
According to him to prevent regional heads involved corruption has been designed budgeting electronically, electronic planning to strengthen oversight such as regional inspectorate.
"Not only that, the Commission has also been supervising to the region, BPK has come down, Saber Pungli also exists, after the elected regional head is also provided at Kemendagri," he said.
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