The Case of Kutai Kartanegara Regent, Gratification Or Administration?
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, October 09 2017 - 18:30 IWST
Bupati Kutai Kartanegara Rita Widyasari (Foto Ist) - Jakarta - The determination of Kutai Kartanegara Regent Rita Widyasari as a suspect of alleged gratification by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has the potential to embarrass the efforts of corruption eradication activities in Indonesia.
Because some time ago, Rita Widyasari used KPK as a role model head of government clean. But suddenly set as a suspect by the commission antirasuah.
KPK as a law enforcement agency certainly has intelligence data before establishing Rita Widyasari as a role model of the head of a clean area. Why is KPK promoting and KPK also dropping? What is wrong?
According to information cited from various media, one of the causes of Rita Widyasari being named a suspect is the difference in the value of property that jumped 10-fold, between LHPKN it between 2011 and 2015
Mentioned LHKPN Regent Kukar in 2011 worth Rp 25.8 billion. While in the year 2015 the reported property amounted to Rp 236 billion. From this it is suspected that the start of the suspicion that Rita Widyasari has enriched herself through the practice of gratuities.
Without further explanation, of course very easy to emerge assumption Rita do gratuities. But later came the information that the increase in the value of the Kutai Kartanegara Regent's estate due to the new valuation of the oil palm and mining land that Rita has owned for a long time. The new valuation of the old palm oil field and mining it even reached Rp 209.5 billion. This means that of the total assets reported by the Regent in 2015, 88 percent is triggered by new valuations of palm oil and old mines.
So it is surprising that the argument of the increase in property is considered an indication of the occurrence of gratuities. Because immovable property such as oil palm and mining is a type of property that can increase in value even if ignored. For example like a house owned by the taxpayers in Indonesia. When purchased it may cost Rp 200 million. But when the area around the house developed into an economic center, then the price could jump to Rp 2 billion without any restoration whatsoever.
Even in the reporting of assets there is a mistake in the valuation of the value of immovable property, it is actually possible to rectify appraisal mechanism of the pre-existing property in the report. Different course if there is new immovable property added with a great value, or the addition of cash / savings. But if the addition of the value of the property is due to the new valuation of the old immovable property, then what is experienced by the Regent of Kukar is not gratification but administrative matters.
Related to the allegations Rita received gratuities from Hery Susanto alias Abun, this is as simple as the need for proof and cross-examination of evidence. Given Abun has stated that the financial transaction between him and Rita is related to the sale and purchase of gold alone.
It is unlikely that the case of the Kukar Regent is not a gratuity category, but merely a matter of administrating the reporting of mere wealth, so that it will greatly degrade the reputation of corruption eradication efforts in Indonesia if it remains forced. An issue that is merely administrative but like being forced into gratuities, simply because it has been misstepped in the beginning with the determination of a suspect without strong evidence.
It is even more dangerous if this is related to political issues as recent surveys show that Rita Widyasari's elektabilitas is in the range of 30 percent. Tthe nearest opponent is only 15 percent. If not careful, it is not impossible people will be suspicious that the purge of corruption in Indonesia is not really clean.
Rita Widyasari herself dedicates her life for the progress of the region he leads. This can be proved by the rapid development in Kutai Kartanegara. In his leadership has won five times WTP from BPK RI and award from Kemenpan due to the success of bureaucracy reformation in Kutai Kartanegara, as well as various awards it gained.
Rita own income from his mining and plantation business per month could reach Rp 1.5 billion, no wonder he often spend his own pocket to help the community and make a variety of large activities without using the existing APBD.
Rita's own husband did not want to interfere in the work of Rita as the head of the region so tend to limit themselves in the association in order to keep him not used to influence the other person's wife.
Logically it is unlikely that Rita would commit corruption to enrich himself and those around him. Moreover Rita Widyasari remembers correctly with the message of his late father to be a candle for others
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