Regional Task Force Asked to Tighten Control on Cooperatives
By : Ahmad Fadli Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, October 20 2017 - 13:00 IWST
Deputi Bidang Pengawasan Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM, Suparno saat Sosialisasi Tata Cara Pemeriksaan Kelembagaan Koperasi yang dihadiri perwakilan kepala dinas Pemprov, Pemkab/Pemkot di Solo dan sekitarnya, Kamis (19/10). - Solo - The Ministry of Cooperatives and UKM encourages the Task Force (Satgas) of cooperative supervision to strengthen its duties and functions in the regions. Strengthening supervision is very important for cooperatives in areas to grow healthy and quality.
This was confirmed by Deputy for Supervision of the Ministry of Cooperatives and UKM, Suparno during Socialization of Institutional Cooperation Procedure which was attended by representatives of provincial, local government / city government head in Solo and surrounding areas on Thursday (19/10).
"With the supervision tehadap cooperative performance as a whole cooperatives in the area can grow healthy, have the identity according to the principle of cooperatives and highly competitive," said Suparno.
Another factor of the importance of supervision, continued Suparno, to detect the possibility of cooperatives exploited certain actors undermine the existence of cooperatives and harming members. He pointed out, cooperatives serve as money laundering or financing for terrorism activities. "The deviation must be prevented," said Suparno.
The Investigative Financial Services Authority (OJK) Team suspects there are 48 institutions, 12 of them cooperatives, improper economic activities alias bodong. Now, supervision of 48 institutions is done more deeply.
"Among the cooperatives in the list of OJK, there are those who want to improve after we do coaching on the cooperative concerned," explained Suparno.
With tiered supervision in accordance with their respective authorities, he hopes that in the future there will be no more cases of damaging the name of the cooperative.
Suparno added the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs continue to make improvements to regulation so that there is no gap for certain elements who want to damage the existence of cooperatives. In addition, the Ministry also continues to coordinate with other relevant agencies, including the Center for Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis (PPATK).
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