Mongolian Culture Center Increases Tourist Visits to Tanjung Lesung

By : Hariyanto, Aldi Firhand Alqudri | Wednesday, July 19 2017 - 11:58 IWST

Mongolian Culture Center at Tanjung Lesung
Mongolian Culture Center at Tanjung Lesung - Tanjung Lesung - PT Banten Tourism Development in cooperation with Mongolian Embassy inaugurated the Mongolian Culture Center project on Sunday (23/4/2017) in Tanjung Lesung Special Economic Zone, Pandeglang Banten.

"We are confident, Mongolian Culture Center will be a new charm in KEK Tanjung Lesung. Visitors can not only see the natural beauty and local wisdom of Banten culture, but also can enjoy the culture of other countries, "said Chairman Jababeka S.D. Darmono in the opening of the Mongol cultural center.

He continued, built on an area of ​​1 hectare Mongolian Culture Center directly designed by Mongol architects. The concept itself was designed by the Mongolian Ambassador in Indonesia. This is done to ensure the level of quality and maintain authenticity so that visitors can feel the real life of the Mongol.

Likewise with the material used in the manufacture of GER (Mongol typical tent) which is identical with nomadic life. "All special imported from his native country," he said

In addition to feel the sensation of living in the GER, here visitors can also enjoy and learn the unique Mongol culture. "With 4 GERs and equestrian facilities, archery, ankle bones games, authentic culinary tastes, it is expected to bring in 5 million domestic tourists and 1 million foreign tourists," he said.

Meanwhile, Mongolian Ambassador in Indonesia Madam Battesetseg Shagdar said Mongolian Culture Center in KEK Tanjung Lesung is the first in Southeast Asia and is expected to be an opportunity to establish good relationships with visitors as well as investors.

"Mongolia is a country full of history and is well known to the world, therefore Mongolian Culture Center may bring Mongolian tourists as well as tourists from other countries," he said

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