Yulianis Reveals KPK Commissioner Receives Nazaruddins Money
By : Aldi Firhand Alqudri | Tuesday, July 25 2017 - 15:16 IWST
Yulianis the Key Witness of corruption case
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - A key witness of the corruption case of Wisma Atlet Yulianis revealed former KPK Commissioner Adnan Pandu Pradja received Nazaruddin money worth Rp1 billion through Minarsih in Elza Syarief's law office.
"I was never used by Nazaruddin to bribe a third party because of my work 'behind the table' But my friends, like Mrs. Minarsih once gave money to KPK Commissioner Adnan Pandu Praja," Yulianis said in a Public Hearing Meeting of the Special Committee Gedung Nusantara, Jakarta, Monday (7/24/2017)
She claimed didnt know for what purposes because she was told by Minarsih that the Special Committee must ask directly to the person concerned.
According to her, the grant was given to Elza Syarief attorney's office attended Minarsih, Marisi Matondang, Elza Syarief, Hasyim (Nazaruddin's sister) and Adnan Pandu.
"The money was facilitated by Elsa Syarief, and as far as I know, it was only given Rp1 billion, the money from Nazaruddin," she said.
Yulianis explained after the incident, Minarsih was named a suspect in a corruption case at the KPK, and had once wanted to approach Adnan Pandu for giving money to the person concerned.
But according to her, it was prevented by Marisi Matondang who thought it would be dangerous because Minarsih has become a suspect.
"I said that if the mother does not talk to her, it will be worse for the KPK, and now the mother has become a suspect in two cases," she said.
Therefore Yulianis suggested that the Pansus summon Minarsih and Marisi Matondang who deliver Minarsih to Elza Syarief's office.
On the occasion, Vice Chairman of the Special Committee of Mason Pasaribu Angkut confirmed to Yulianis whether Adnan Pandu is referred to Commissioner KPK 2011-2015? Yulianis justified it
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