Yulianis: Former Commissioner of KPK Call Ibas a Friend
By : Aldi Firhand Alqudri | Tuesday, July 25 2017 - 16:37 IWST
Yulianis the Key Witness of corruption case
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta- A key witness of the corruption case athlete's homes Yulianis revealed two former KPK commissioners Abraham Samad and Bambang Widjojanto refused to call Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (Ibas), and instead called him, a friend.
"The commissioner at that time Mr. AS (Abraham Samad) and BW (Bambang Widjojanto) refused, saying it was a friend, so I was also confused, the calling was' sort a 'sorting, this is a friend, this is not. This is not a friend so “called'', "Yulianis said during a Public Hearing Meeting with KPK Commissioning Committee, at the Nusantara Building, Jakarta, Monday (7/24/2017)
Yulianis explained that he got the story from KPK investigator named Sigit because she had time to ask why the reason Ibas was not summoned in the case of Muhammad Nazaruddin.
She said the name “Ibas” called not only by herself, but Nazaruddin and Anas Urbaningrum also called Chairman of the Democratic Party Faction.
"But, yes, the answer is, 'rejected by BU, because according to commissioner it is a friend.' I laugh so much now, "she said as quoted by Antara.
Yulianis recounted that KPK investigators had made three summons for Ibas but were rejected by both Abraham Samad and Bambang Widjojanto.
Therefore she concluded that the calling of a person in the KPK was sorting, thus making hercontinue to ask why there was such a separation.
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