Semen Padang Achieved 15 ICA Awards 2017

By : Herry Barus And Aldi Firhand. A | Sunday, December 03 2017 - 12:14 IWST

PT Semen Padang
PT Semen Padang - Padang - PT Semen Padang again won the award at the Indonesia Coorporate Social Responsibility Award (ICA) 2017 event with 15 categories.

"This prestigious ICA awards for Semen Padang as a means to prove the company's commitment in empowering the community around the company," said Chief CSR Bureau of Semen Padang, Muhamad Ikrar in Padang, Saturday (2/12/2017)

He detailed the 15 awards, including individual and corporate categories.

For the individual category, Semen Padang gets the best Chief Executive Officer (CEO) award, best management level and best partner level.

To the level of CEO, achieved former President Director of PT Semen Padang who now serves as Director of Production of PT Semen Indonesia Benny Wendry.

While the level of management, given Head of Department of Communications and Public Facilities PT Semen Padang, Iskandar Zulkarnaen Lubis with the paper "CSR Semen Padang Basinergi Mambangun Nagari".

Then the level of partners, achieved by Defriyeni Dahar as Local Community Organizers (LCO) Semen Padang with the paper "Community Empowerment Based on Household and Communal".

Furthermore, for the level of the company, Semen Padang in its entirety acquired the Grand Platinum industry and manufacturing field.

"In this category, 11 programs are included, and alhamdulillah, all programs are awarded, 5 Platinum, 5 Gold and 1 Silver," Ikrar told media crew.

He delivered five programs that received platinum, namely PKBM Integration in Batu Gadang Village, Nagar Indarung Forum, Community Empowerment Based on eight Asnaf UPZ PT Semen Padang, and Integrated Integrated Posyandu Empowerment in Kelurahan Lambung Bukit, and Semen Padang Paduli Sehat Clinic.

Then Gold for the program titled Empowerment and Consumer Protection, Gas Processing Dispose into Electricity Through WHRPG, Social Investment Empowerment of Nagari Finance Barrow, Community Empowerment Through Garbage Bank Based on Household and Communal, and Business Group of Nagari of Padang Besi Village.

While the Silver category, achieved through Emergency Response Program Flood Disaster Through Construction Baringin Bridge.

In addition to Semen Padang, three other companies that acquired Grand Platinum are PT Kideco Daya Agung in the Mining and Energy sector, PT Kaltim Prima Coal which is also in the Mining and Energy sector, and PT PLN in the Services, Banking and Telematics sectors.

In this event, there are 28 SOEs and Private companies that participated in ICA 2017.

Previously in ICA 2014, PT Semen Padang won 13 awards. The awards are six Platinum and four Gold, as well as two best prizes for the individual category, the Best CEO of 33 participating companies.

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