PTPN XI Targets Five Million TCD Cane Production
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, January 03 2018 - 21:30 IWST
Ilustrasi Truk Pengangkut Tebu (Ist) - Surabaya - Limited liability company Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) XI in 2018 targets to increase production to five million Ton Cane Day (TCD) cane, or up from 2017's realization of 4.2 million TCD.
Operational Director of PTPN XI, Daniyanto in Surabaya, said that the 2018 increase target is very realistic, based on existing performance in 2017.
"By 2017 sugar cane production in PTPN XI reaches 4.2 million TCD, with 85 percent presentation of sugar cane and 15 percent sugar cane itself, with the achievement we are optimistic that the 2018 target will be achieved," he said.
In addition, he said, in 2018 PTPN XI will also intensify in its own land reaching 12 thousand hectares, as in Jatiroto Sugar Factory which reaches 5 thousand hectares.
"Some steps we also do in the intensification of sugar cane fields, including replacement of sugarcane varieties, improving the culture of sugarcane cultivation, the accuracy of fertilizer, and planting season," he said.
Daniyanto also encourages the improvement of farmer cultivation of sugar cane farmers, the goal is to encourage farmers back to planting sugarcane, by providing seeds, compost and also diversify products.
"We also diversify our products, among others, to generate electrical energy in cooperation with PLN to prepare the Asembagus sugar factory (PG) in Situbondo Regency to produce renewable energy in the form of bioethanol and Cogeneration power which is the electricity generated by the steam engine of the mill in the factory sugar," he said as quoted by Antara.
Previously, PTPN XI also launched "GO Tani" or feature-based services to simplify and support productivity in agriculture.
The application is an effort to build national food sovereignty nawacita and follow the trend of today, using the facility once "click", the purpose is to support services in the agricultural industry.
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