Towards West Kalimantan 1, Demokrat Party Also Carries Karolin Margret Natasa
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, January 08 2018 - 14:00 IWST
Bupati Landak Karolin Margret Natasa (Foto Dok - Jakarta - Chairman of the Democratic Party Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) announced the pair of candidates for governor deputy governor who carried the Democratic Party in elections Serentak 2018. At the beginning of his speech, SBY had insinuated the myth of the Demokrat Party cannot berkoalisi with a particular party that is PDIP.
In West Kalimantan, the Democratic Party carries PDIP cadres, Karolin Margret Natasa becomes a candidate for governor accompanied by cawagub Suryadman Gidot who is chairman of the Democratic Party of West Kalimantan.
"The couple is a coalition of the Democratic Party, PDIP, PKPI," said SBY.
SBY also stated, from 17 Pilgub, the Democratic Party carrying 14 cadres in 14 pilgub. "It is equal to 82 percent, only 3 are not.Of 14 cadres, 6 are DPD Democrats, 2 DPC chiefs, 1 member of the House of Representatives, 1 Democratic Party officials in the regions," he said.
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