Hanura Party Stops OSO in Munaslub
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Thursday, January 18 2018 - 23:00 IWST
Oesman Sapta Odang (OSO) Ketum Umum Hanura Oesman
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - Hanura's stronghold of Syarifuddin Sudding dismissed Oesman Sapta from the post of Chairman of the Hanura Party and immediately elected a new chairman through the Extraordinary National Congress (Munaslub) forum.
The Decree of Oesman Sapta Dismissal was submitted by the Secretary of the Assembly, Dadang Rusdiana, at Munaslub forum, in Hanura DPP, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Thursday (18/1/2018).
The reading of the decree of Oesman Sapta's Dismissal was greeted by a loud noise, the participants of the Munaslub who said, "agree".
Munaslub attended, by DPP, 27 DPD, 401 DPC, and Party mass.
The meeting chairman Rufinus Hutauruk said that the agenda of the session in the Munaslub, after the agreement of the order, continued reading of the attitude of no-confidence motion to Oesman Sapta, and the reading of Oesman Sapta's dismissal decision from the chairmanship of Hanura Party.
Furthermore, the submission of views of the DPD-DPD and Party mass organizations and then made the election of chairman.
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