Disclaimer of Zina Article Expansion Supported 37,000 People
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Saturday, February 03 2018 - 13:00 IWST
Dewi Dee Lestari (Foto Dok Industry.co.id)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - The planned expansion of adultery in the draft Criminal Code Draft (RUU KUHP) which is being discussed by the House and government is opposed by more than 37 people through online petitions on the change.org page.
According to a press release from Change.org Indonesia received in Jakarta on Friday (2/2/2018) the petition was started by Tunggal Pawestri and supported by activists who often advocate cases of violence against women.
In the petition, Tunggal expressed his concern about the possibility of criminalization of the private life of the citizens. Moreover, the threat of the article about adultery is a maximum of five years in prison.
According to Tunggal, if the article on the draft of the Criminal Code Bill is ratified, anyone can report other people suspected of adultery because the article is a report offense.
That is, the article could legitimize the vigilante culture like the raids of someone else's private space.
"People will race to become moral police and interfere with the privacy of others," said Single in his petition.
The main reason the single reject the article is that rape victims will be increasingly afraid to report offenders because they can be accused of adultery if they cannot prove the rape.
The article will also threaten children who are victims of sexual exploitation because there is no age limit in the Criminal Code Bill.
In addition, the woman promised marriage and abandoned her partner after pregnancy outside of marriage will also be threatened.
Couples who do not have marriage books because marriage according to religion, belief, custom and polygamy are also vulnerable to criminalization.
Several figures that have supported the petition include Dewi "Dee" Lestari and Ligwina Hananto.
According to Dewi, there are many opportunities for the worrying impact of the Criminal Code Bill. While Ligwina does not agree if the opponents of the article is labeled as supporters of promiscuity.
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