Expensive Land Price, Minister of Transportation Asks Local Government Provide Land For TOD Area
By : Hariyanto And Aldi Firhand. A | Friday, February 16 2018 - 22:15 IWST
Budi Karya Sumadi
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - One of the challenges in TOD's integrated residential development is the affordable price. The problem is, when talking about the land in DKI Jakarta, the current price is very expensive.
Therefore, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi suggested the local government (Pemda) can also play an active role in overcoming this problem. One of them by providing land that can be developed as a TOD area.
"I have given the task to the Director General of Railways and Head of Jakarta Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) to accelerate the process of developing TOD in Jabodetabek territory, the process must be in accordance with the regulation and also in coordination to the local government," said in a discussion in Jakarta , Wednesday (14/2/2018) ago.
For information, the land acquisition of Jabodebek LRT project which is managed by the government has not been 100% completed. President Director of PT Adhi Karya explained that currently all the land belonging to government agencies to be passed by the LRT project has been completed.
However, there is still a land acquisition issue for the 10 hectares of Depo in East Bekasi belonging to unfinished residents. The target is the process of land acquisition owned by residents in Bekasi can be completed in May.
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