Has Potential, Ministry of Agriculture Encourages North Luwu to Work on Cattle Breeding
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, February 19 2018 - 19:00 IWST
Punya Potensi, Kementan Dorong Luwu Utara Garap Pembibitan Sapi Potong (Foto Dok Industry.co.id)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Luwu Utara - Seeing the potential of land owned by Luwu Utara Regency for the development of beef cattle, the Ministry of Agriculture through the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health encourages the region to work on breeding of beef cattle.
"I see it is not perfect yet, but with the seriousness and commitment that the regional head in North Luwu has to optimize the potential of the territory, then all will go according to what we expect," said I Ketut Diarmita Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health when present at the first stone laying event of UPTD Sapiong Hill Cutting Plant in Sumilin Village, Masamba Sub-district, North Luwu Regency, Saturday 17 February 2018.
Currently the Government is trying to accelerate the increase of domestic cattle population in order to occur a significant population leap, such as through Upsus Siwab, strengthening UPT seeding, the addition of imported cows and control of productive female cattle slaughter.
"For the procurement of breeding cows will be distributed to the Head of the Region that is ready, it should be shown with the readiness of land for the provision of feed," said I Ketut Diarmita.
According to I Ketut Diarmita, regional commitment in preparing local potential support, both the readiness of land and the food needed is very important. "The results of this regional readiness review will be the basis for determining whether or not the region is receiving government assistance, so that the acceleration program of cattle population can be done well," said I Ketut.
I Ketut said, according to North Luwu plan will get allocation of about 400 Brahman Cross cattle that will be placed in UPTD Sapi Cut Luwu Utara.
Furthermore, I Ketut Diarmita conducts a review around the UPTD and hopes that the cows that will be accepted can grow rapidly, so this UPTD can be an example for other beef cattle UPTD.
I Ketut hopes in May 2018 UPTD development is complete and can be used.
Seeing the conditions around the UPTD that run the hills, I Ketut requested that be made embungs for water supply. It is also recommended that the application of animal welfare principle must be considered. Place down and rise of cows, in a flat area, isolation cage if there are sick animals and medication enough.
Supervision and recording of the condition of the cow from the loss was not spared from the attention of I Ketut. According to him there needs to be 24 hour supervision.
"I see that North Luwu Regency has the potential to develop cattle and the potential of grazing land and human resources in the field of livestock which is quite good, but there is a need to manage the land and add quality grass for Forage Feed," said I Ketut.
I Ketut also suggested to the North Luwu Regent to direct the surrounding community to plant forage grass such as: Odot, Grass Elephant, King Grass, Indigofera to welcome Brahman Cross breeding cows that the grass can be sold to UPTD, so the community also participate involved in the development of cattle and increase the daily income of local communities, so in turn the welfare of farmers / ranchers increases.
In addition, mentioned, the characteristics of Brahman Cross Cow is different from Balinese cattle. "Brahman Cross Cow is reluctant to lust if the feed is not enough and not suitable", added I Ketut.
On the occasion, the Regent of Luwu Utara said his area was ready to receive Brahman Cross cows. Indah said, this is a clear proof of local government of North Luwu in supporting the Special Efforts of Mandatory Breeding Cattle (UPSUS SIWAB).
Beautiful mentions, the seriousness of North Luwu in working on breeding of beef cattle is evidenced by the allocation of funds allocated funds of more than 4 billion for the Ranch Ranch construction area of 250 Ha. These developments include: Construction of UPTD Bibliography office, Development of Fence of Livestock, Feed Warehouse Development, Cattle Shedding Development, Jaga post construction, procurement of UPTD operational vehicle, and road cultivation to Ranch location along 2 km.
"Various efforts have been made including coordinating with the Provincial Forestry Office of South Sulawesi related to the Revision of Protected Forest Area for Land Use Transfer planned for the farm", said the Regent of North Luwu.
Related to the provision of feed that will be needed, the Regent of Luwu Utara said, currently Ranch Ranch location has been done forage planting (HPT) of 10 Ha and 2018 plus 40 Ha.
"Around the ranch we have planted elephant grass, and indigofera" he said.
Indah conveys already preparing a security camera (CCTV) with the help of security by Linmas and Babinsa as many as 17 people, so the worry for loss becomes very small.
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