Agriculture Minister Andi Asks Budget to Focus on Agricultural Production Sector
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, February 21 2018 - 18:00 IWST
Mentan Andi Amran Sulaiman (Dok - Jakarta - The Minister of Agriculture, Andi Amran Sulaiman officially opened the Technical Coordination Meeting of Agricultural Development Planning in 2019 which was attended by Secretary of Provincial Agriculture Scope of all Indonesia, located at the Auditorium of the Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta.
In his speech Amran said that the budget in 2019 focuses on sectors that can lift agricultural production. "Propose to the Governor and Regent, arrange a budget that focuses on increasing production" he said to all participants.
Amran further explained that the budget focused on the production sector is a budget that focuses on improving the welfare of farmers, such as water availability, provision of seeds, timely fertilizer, agricultural machinery, RMU milling, agricultural processing / packaging interesting, and of course improvement regulation. "Until now we have revoked 241 regulations that inhibit agricultural, even in the future there will be 50 potential regulations that will be revoked," said Amran.
At the end of his speech, Minister of Agriculture conveyed that we remain optimistic in the future to see the great potential that exists in Indonesia.
This Technical Coordination Meeting entitled "Strengthening the infrastructure and corporations of farmers to accelerate the growth of quality agricultural sector". This coordination meeting synergizes the policy proposals from the regions (provincial / district / city) to be aligned with the policy at the central (ministry).
At the meeting, the draft of national agriculture priority development for fiscal year 2019 was planned. The event aims to bring together top down policy with bottom up planning or policy maker in the center. It is expected that the results of activities can be formulated the draft of provincial / kab / kota activities as a national musrenbang material.
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