TNI / Police Must Protect Religious Leaders
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, February 23 2018 - 15:00 IWST
Jenderal Gatot Nurmantyo mantan Panglima TNI (Foto - Jakarta - Former TNI Commander General Gatot Nurmantyo appealed to the TNI / Police to keep the clerics and other religious leaders following cases of attacks on clerics and religious leaders some time ago.
"In connection with several incidents that happened to some religious leaders recently, I urge that Muslims, TNI and Police together guard the clerics and ustadz," said General Gatot Nurmatyo in his written statement, in Jakarta, Thursday (22/2 / 2018).
Gatot Faizhal Zaini, Secretary General of the Nahdlatul Ulama PB Helmi Faizhal Zaini attended the event haul Shaykh Abdul Qodir Zaelani, Syech Tuan Guru Haji Saleh Hambali, KH Abdurahman Wahid (Gus Dur) and Tuan Guru Haji Lalu Badarudin at Pondok Pesanteren Qomarul Huda Bagu Lombok on Wednesday 21/2) says the state is obliged to guard anyone from all forms of terror.
Moreover, Gatot said, ulama have a big share of Indonesia's independence.
According to him, the role of ulama such as KH Hasyim Ashari, and General Sudirman who also as ustadz, or teacher of the Koran cannot be refuted again in the struggle for independence.
"I became a commander of the TNI because of the guidance of the scholars, I thank all the TNI soldiers for the clerics who have maintained the security of the pre-independence era, and built a Muslim" rahmatan lil allamin "up to now," he said.
On that occasion, the former Chief of Staff of the Army (KSAD) also appealed to all parties to fight the hoax in social media with kindness and gentle words. Do not let the Muslims pitted against the Muslims, as happened in Syria.
"Do not be provoked by the situation, let us bury all the differences between us, let us together keep the clergy and unite the heart for Indonesia," he said.
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