KPK Checks Mustafa Regent of Lampung Tengah
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, March 07 2018 - 14:00 IWST
Mustafa Bupati Lampung Tengah (Foto Dok Radar) - Jakarta - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) summoned the Regent of Central Lampung Mustafa in the investigation of corruption criminal act of bribery to DPRD of Central Lampung Regency related to local loan for APBD of Central Lampung of Fiscal Year 2018.
"Today's investigators are scheduled to call Mustafa, the regent of Lampung Tengah is examined as a witness for suspect Taufik Rahman in a bribery case related to the approval of regional loans for the Central Lampung District Budget of Fiscal Year 2018," said KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah when confirmed in Jakarta on Wednesday (7 / 3/2018).
In addition to Mustafa, the KPK also summoned three witnesses to investigate the case for another suspect, J Natalis Sinaga.
The three witnesses included two members of Lampung Tengah DPRD Indra Jaya from the Democratic Party and Raden Zugiri from the PDI-P faction as well as Puji Lampung Regency DPRD staff.
KPK has assigned four suspects each Mustafa, Head of Central High School of Central Lampung Regency Taufik Rahman, Vice Chairman of Lampung Tengah Regency DPRD J Natalis Sinaga, and member of Lampung Tengah Regency DPRD Rusliyanto as suspect of bribery in the case.
Mustafa is suspected of violating Article 5 Paragraph (1) Sub-Paragraph a or Sub-paragraph b or Article 13 of Law Number 31 Year 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 Year 2001 regarding Corruption Eradication juncto Article 55 paragraph (1) Criminal Code.
Alleged role of Mustafa is as the party of giver together with Taufik Rahman, that there is alleged direction of Regent related to request amount of money from party member of DPRD with code "cheese".
It is alleged that the direction of the Regent was for the money to be extracted or obtained from the contractor amounting to Rp900 million and from the tuition fund of the PUPR Office of Central Lampung Regency amounting to Rp100 million with a total of Rp 1 billion while allegedly as the recipient, namely J Natalis Sinaga and Rusliyanto.
Allegedly, the provision of money for members of the DPRD of Central Lampung Regency related to the approval of the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) on regional loans to PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (SMI) amounting to Rp300 billion.
It is planned to be used for the construction of infrastructure projects to be undertaken by the Central Lampung PUPR Service.
To obtain the loan, a statement is required that is approved or signed with the DPRD of Central Lampung Regency as a condition of memorandum of understanding (MoU) with PT SMI.
To grant approval or signature of the letter of statement, it is suspected that there is a request for funds amounting to Rp1 billion. (Ant)
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