Aceh Continues to Enhance Food Enhancement
By : Dina Astria And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, March 16 2018 - 20:00 IWST
Aceh terus mengupayakan peningkatan pangan. (Dok - Aceh - Nangroe Aceh Province targets 507,549 hectares of rice planting area for Planting Season (MT) 2017/2018, divided into MT Rendeng and MT Gadu. In MT Rendeng October 2017 to March 2018 (position March 14, 2018) has been realized covering an area of 271,884 ha (daily LTT data). In the same period, maize was realized 36,681 ha and soybean 8,518 ha ". Said Expert Staff of the Minister of Agriculture for the Environment, Mukti Sardjono in the opening ceremony of Upsus Pajale Acceleration Meeting and Optimization of Agricultural Machine Utilization and Grain Absorption in Aceh held at Grand Nangroe Aceh Hotel, Aceh (15/3).
The meeting was also attended by Kasdam Iskandar Muda, Secretary of the Human Resources Agency of Agriculture, Danrem Teuku Umar, Kadivre Bulog, All Dandim of Aceh and Head of Agriculture Office of the district of Aceh.
Mukti added, "according to the direction of the Minister of Agriculture, this meeting is expected to continue to improve the performance of upsus to ensure increased production, increase the absorption of grain farmers to ensure the availability and stock of food and optimization of agricultural equipment and machinery that has been distributed to farmers in the last 3 years ".
Currently, the Ministry of Agriculture has established the Optimization Team of Alsintan which is responsible for monitoring the distribution and utilization of alsintan optimally throughout the province, because in quantity the amount is already proportional to the size of the land, just how the tools and agricultural machinery is optimized utilization. "If it is not utilized, then we will attract and move it to other farmer groups / groups that need it more," said Mukti.
Mukti also conveyed that Kementan is currently coordinating with the Department of Agriculture and the Army of the Department of Agriculture to monitor daily utilization of alsintan in land and harvest processing, he said.
Meanwhile, Kasdam Iskandar Muda Nangroe Aceh Achmad, Daniel Chardin, affirmed that the army continues to guard and play a role in increasing planting area, grain uptake and optimization of alsintan.
Special Alsintan Daniel said: "in accordance with the technical guidance of the non-operational alsintan, we are encouraged to be revoked and transferred to other places that need it, alsintan cannot stop its operation, which may stop people or switch people who operate it".
In order to optimize the utilization of alsintan, Daniel proposed that an adequate road be made. "Every block of rice paddies there is a way to facilitate agricultural tools can pass, not just harvest in the fields but able to enter into" he said.
Daniel also said that the ranks remain committed to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Government of Aceh to make Aceh as one of the national food granaries.
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