BEI Notes Maybank Indonesia Bonds Rp645.5 Billion
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Saturday, March 17 2018 - 23:00 IWST
Maybank Indonesia (Foto Ist) - Jakarta - Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) began listing second phase II bonds in 2018 issued by PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk worth Rp645, 5 billion.
Head of the Trade Operations Division of BEI, Irvan Susandy in an official statement in Jakarta, Friday (16/3/2018) argued that the Maybank Indonesia Bank bonds were listed with interest rate of 7.15 percent for 5 years.
"The rating of the bonds from PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) is idAAA (triple A) acting as trustee in this emission is PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk," he explained.
With the bond issuance, he added, the total bond and sukuk emissions that have been recorded during the year 2018 is 11 emissions from 10 issuers worth Rp21, 89 trillion. Thus, total emission of bonds and sukuk listed on BEI amounted to 355 emissions with total nominal outstanding of Rp402.55 trillion and 47.5 million US dollars, issued by 114 issuers.
Previously, Danareksa Securities Analyst Lucky Bayu Purnomo said that investors' interest in bonds or bonds instruments is still quite high amid declining stock market conditions.
"The instrument can be used as an asset protection tool because of its defensive nature. In the midst of the stock market conditions are decreasing the bonds can be an option," he said.
He said that good investor interest in bonds will trigger the issuance of bonds in the country rampant. Moreover, supported by investment grade rating (investment grade).
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