How Much More We Have The Time Of Our Coal Reserves?

By : Ahmad Fadli Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Thursday, March 22 2018 - 20:00 IWST

Produsen Batubara
Produsen Batubara - Jakarta - Based on data from the Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Indonesia's coal reserves reached 26.2 billion tons. With coal production of 461 million tones last year, the life of the coal reserves is still 56 years if it is assumed that no new reserves are found.

In addition to coal reserves, there are also coal resources of 124.6 billion tons. To that end, the Government continues to encourage exploration efforts in order to increase the coal reserves.

Kalimantan is listed as the region with the largest reserves of coal, which is 14.9 billion tons, followed by Sumatra (11.2 billion), and Sulawesi (0.12 million). In Kalimantan, the largest reserves are in East Kalimantan at 7.5 billion tons, South Kalimantan with 4.2 billion tons and Central Kalimantan with 2.1 billion tons. Meanwhile, South Sumatra has the largest reserves in Sumatra with 8.9 billion tons of reserves, followed by Jambi at 1.1 billion tons.

In 2017, national coal production in 2011 reached 461 million tons. Of this amount, 97 million tons are used for domestic purposes (Domestic Market Obligation / DMO). Domestic utilization trends always increase from year to year. Starting from 2013 only 72 million tons and then to 97 million tons in 2017 with details of 2014 (76 million tons), 2015 (86 million tons) and 2016 (91 million tons).

The largest average domestic use is for electricity, 83% and the rest for cement, fertilizer, pulp, metallurgy, briquettes and other industries by 17%.

In addition to domestic use, coal is also exported in order to contribute to state revenues. Some export destinations include China (51 million tons), India (46 million tons) and Japan (22 million tons) in addition to 25 other countries.

Coal exports are sought to continue to decline gradually, along with increasing domestic utilization primarily as primary energy for power generation.

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