8000 Coconut Seeds for Farmers in Kebumen

By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, July 25 2018 - 18:00 IWST

Bibit Kelapa (Foto Dok Industry.co.id)
Bibit Kelapa (Foto Dok Industry.co.id)

INDUSTRY.co.id - Kebumen -Support Kementan through Agricultural Research Agency Ministry of Agriculture in succeeding Year Germination 2018 has been evident in all corners of the archipelago through the production of seeds of food crops, plantations and horticulture implemented by the Work Unit (UK) and Task Units (UPT) both at the center and in the area.

Beginning in 2017, the production of various commodity seeds has been implemented, among which are already distributed to the community in accordance with the conditions and needs of the region, in cooperation with the Local Government in determining its CPCL.

It should be underlined that, the seeds of various commodities produced by UK-UPT Balitbangtan, in addition to certified or labeled seeds, but also filled with a touch of technological innovation in the production process.

BPTP Balitbangtan Central Java, which gets the job to produce the seeds of various commodities, after some time previously has been distributing the seeds of papaya pomegranate and sugar cane to farmer groups in some districts in Central Java, in the near future is ready to distribute the seeds of several other commodities such as potatoes and onions white. And two days ago (20/7), witnessed by Kadistan and Food of Kebumen Regency and Head of Plantation of Distanbun of Central Java Province, BPTP Balitbangtan Central Java has handed 8,000 coconut seeds (coconut deep) to 5 Gabunganb Kelompok Tani in Kab. Kebumen.

Head of BPTP Balitbangtan Jateng, Harwanto stated that the seed of production of BPTP Balitbangtan Central Java which passed the certification of 9,450 stems from the target output of 8000 stems, so that the distribution of seed not only to 5 Gapoktan in Sadang and Karanggayam District Kab. Kebumen based on CPCL which has been determined by Distanbun Prov. Central Java, but also allocated for poor villages in Kecamatan Adimulyo with 500 stems.

Kadistan and Food Kab. Kebumen thanked BPTP Balitbangtan Central Java and Distanbun Prov Central Java who have allocated assistance of coconut seed in Kab. Kebumen. Kab. Kebumen is a coconut development center, and with the help of the seeds it is expected to increase coconut production in the years to come. Kadistan and Food advised Gapoktan that the coconut seed should be kept in Farmer Groups until the rainy season has arrived, in order to facilitate the care, because if planted directly feared will not grow due to lack of water.

Distanbun Prov Central Java is very committed in supporting this program. Head of Plantation conveyed that the cooperation and coordination of seeds with BPTP Balitbangtan Central Java has been done from 2017. Besides determining the CPCL receiver seed, Distanbun Prov Central Java also help the distribution to the location and saprodi.

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