Natural Phosphate Boosts Corn Production on Mask Land
By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Thursday, July 19 2018 - 23:30 IWST

Jagung Ilustrasi - Banjarbaru - Ministry of Agriculture through Agricultural Research Agency again held Technical Guidance (Bimtek) with the topic "Reactive Natural Phosphate Applications in the Mine for Maize"
This activity was held in the Hall of Agricultural Research Institute of Swamp Land (Balittra), Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan (18/7/2018). This bimtek activity is a series of activities in connection with the preparation of demplot farm (denfarm) in sour land, especially in South Kalimantan, both on dry land and in wetlands.
Meanwhile, Head of Research Institute of Agricultural Swamp (Balittra), Hendri Sosiawan on separate occasion revealed denfarm activity will be held on 100 ha swamp land, each 90 ha in Kab. Batola, and 10 ha on the technological title (geltek) of Agricultural Science Park (TSP) Banjarbaru. While in dry land implemented in Kab. Pleihari area of 150 ha, and 50 ha in Kab. Ground. The planting of maize will begin in late September 2018 before the rainy season.
On the opening occasion of Bimtek, Head of Agricultural Research Agency, Muhamad Syakir conveyed the importance of the event. Syakir emphasized that partnership cooperation should be maintained and improved both between farmers and government and farmers with research institutions.
There are two land typologies that have not been optimally managed ie rainfed and swamp land. The Ministry of Agriculture focuses on managing the two types of land. Both have their own management challenges. The main problem of land swamp problem is the water system, low soil pH (low pH), also the content of Aluminum (Al) is high. While on dry land the problem is drought or lack of water, soil pH and low soil fertility.
Shakir believes that the soil problems can be searched for by the researchers of the Indonesian Center for Agricultural Land Resources Research (BBSDLP), among others, through the application of reactive natural phosphates.
Development of agriculture by Syakir, not merely on increasing productivity, in essence the government encourages how to improve the welfare of farmers.
"Good fertilization, including the use of natural phosphates is a strategic step in the efficiency and effectiveness of fertilization," said Syakir.
High productivity should be coupled with high efficiency and effectiveness as well. Fertilizers are evaporated, carried away by water, not effective in application can reach 50%, continued Syakir.
Corn is one of national strategic superior commodities; hence the government continues to encourage the production and productivity of national corn through various efforts such as fertilizer technology innovation.
Head of the Center for Agricultural Land Resources Research (BBSDLP), Dedi Nursyamsi in the same occasion said, the provision of natural phosphate rock supplying nutrients P is less available in acid soils in Indonesia. In Indonesia there are more than two thirds of the soil reacting and have a low C-organic content so that the availability of N P, K, Ca, and Mg nutrients in the soil is low.
"Phosphate rocks contain high levels of P, Ca, and Mg and can increase the pH and natural phosphates do not need to be processed in the factory so the price is cheaper," Dedi said.
In line with Dedi, Head of Research Institute for Soil (Balitanah), Husnain describes aspects of efficiency and effectiveness of rock phosphate use.
"Rock phosphate can be directly used. No need to be processed in the factory first. It has slow release properties, residual effects can last 4-5 growing seasons, "said Husnain.
Budiono, one of the successful maize farmers from Pleihari shares his experience of corn cultivation. According to the processing or preparation of land is very important role for the growth of good plants. Budiono advised to use good seed, adequate organic fertilizer, zigzag pattern, weeding (dangir) and pembubunan, taking care of plants from weeds and pests.
"Make sure the seeds we grow grow, feed according to need," said Budiono.
Farmers from Tanah Laut Regency, Fikri and Hendri stated that this bimtek is very suitable to their needs.
"Bimtek today is very fitting to our needs, because in us there is a sour land consisting of wetlands also dry land," said Fikri excited. They hope the application of Rock Phospate can increase their corn production.
This bimtek brings together Dr. Nuning Agrosubekti (Puslitbangtan), Dr. M. Azrai (Balitsereal), Dr. Husnain (Balittanah), Ir. Hendri Sosiawan CESA (Balittra), Dr. Sri Rochayati (Balittanah), and Budiono, S.Pd. (successful corn farmers)
The bimtek event is a success, the theoretical sessions, the discussions, and the practice in the field are followed by the participants enthusiastically accompanied by critical questions. Attended by 59 peasants from Barito Kuala, Pleihari and Tanah Laut districts, field agriculture extension workers, and researchers Balittra, Balittanah, and BBSDLP.
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