Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi Affirmed To The Ranks Eliminate Corruption Practices
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, August 25 2017 - 14:00 IWST
5166 - Jakarta- Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi confirmed to the entire Ministry of Transportation to eliminate corruption practices.
"For that, I once again reminded all the Ministry of Transport officials to eliminate corruption and illegal levies throughout the Ministry of Transportation, or face criminal sanctions," Budi said in an official statement in Jakarta on Friday (25/8/217 )
The statement follows the arrest of Former Director General of Sea Transportation of Ministry of Transportation Antonius Tonny Budiono in the operation of hand arrest (OTT) by the Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi / KPK) on Wednesday (23/8) night.
"I am very concerned that since the beginning I have been working hard to prevent Kemenhub officials from accepting bribes or corruption, but these efforts are not enough, but this practice is still there," he said.
Furthermore, Budi said to keep the working atmosphere remain conducive and avoid confusing information that can lead to the formation of public opinion that harms the institution or someone then, He requested that employees within the Ministry of Transportation to stay active and work as usual.
"May Allah SWT, the Supreme God protect all of us to do good in every everyday work, once again so that all human beings remain the spirit of work for the devotion to the nation and the country Working well and sincerely is also our worship," He said.
KPK has set A Tonny Budiono to be a suspect of alleged criminal corruption of bribery related to licensing and procurement of projects within the Directorate General of Sea Transport Minister of Transportation, Fiscal Year 2016-2017.
Total money worth Rp20, 74 billion in 33 bags in the bribery case has also been seized by the KPK In 2016 also happened OTT by Polda Metro Jaya against the illegal charges in the Ministry of Transportation involving three employees of the Directorate General of Sea Transport Minister of Transportation.
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