Palm Oil The Greatest Foreign Exchange Contributors Reach Rp 239 Trillion
By : Ahmad Fadli Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Tuesday, August 29 2017 - 20:00 IWST - Jakarta - The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) through the Directorate General (DGT) of Plantation is currently focusing on encouraging all oil companies to follow the certification program of Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil System (ISPO). Article palm oil contributes to the source of foreign exchange reached Rp 239.4 trillion.
To accelerate the implementation of the program, the Directorate General of Plantation held a certificate of ISPO certification and strengthening ISPO workshop at the Kementan Central Office Auditorium, Jakarta, Tuesday (29/8/2017).
In the activity activity, Director General of Plantation, Bambang said the event is to increase the commitment of all national palm oil stakeholders in support of the ISPO certification program and strengthening the development of sustainable palm oil, making ISPO more acceptable in the country and in the international market. ISPO certification is mandatory for Indonesia's palm oil to be acceptable and has a high bargaining position in the export market, and the management of Indonesian oil palm plantations can be sustainable.
"From Rp 11.9 million hectares of oil palm in Indonesia, only 16.7% are already certified ISPO. Our achievement is only 14% for ISPO. After the certification submission today is 16.7%. The fault is not in the secretariat, but because the requirements are indeed to be met. We target should be all ISPO. If it ISPO, I think no one says that our palm is not good. Foreign markets can appreciate our palm products," said Bambang.
According to him, the implementation of ISPO is also as Indonesia's step facing negative accusations addressed to Indonesian palm. The issue is from forest destruction to human rights violations.
"Therefore, I appeal to the perpetrators of business and ISPO Secretariat to continue to accelerate so that ISPO certification accelerated. For acceleration we continue to open ourselves to companies that want to provide dedication to certification discourse," he said.
Bambang confirmed the acceleration of the implementation of ISPO certification is very important. This is because until now the palm oil is still a gold commodity plantation. Oil palm as a source of foreign exchange also contributes enormously to national development.
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