GAEKI: Export Commodities Limited By Coffee Amount
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, September 11 2017 - 20:00 IWST
Kopi - Jakarta - Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Coffee Exporters (Gaeki) Hutama Sugandhi rate, coffee commodities do not encounter many barriers in interstate commerce.
"For coffee, there are not many obstacles in international trade, but our exports are limited by the amount," he said on Sunday (10/09/2017).
He said that increased coffee consumption was not followed by an increase in domestic coffee production.
Data from the Directorate General of Plantations of the Ministry of Agriculture shows that coffee productivity has declined since 2012 by 745 kg per ha / year to 706 kg per ha / year in 2016.
"The obstacles are upstream, but production is not increasing, while consumption is increasing steadily, so the amount exported is getting more and more limited," he said.
In relation to the government's move to accelerate international trade agreements with a number of countries targeted for completion by the end of this year, he hopes further agreements should not be a barrier to coffee commodities.
"If there is no obstacle for coffee commodity, Asean has done so far this balance," he added.
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