Dedi Mulyadi is Still Supported by Golkar Party Towards Jabar-1
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, September 24 2017 - 16:00 IWST
Bupati Purwakarta, Dedi Mulyadi. (Foto : IST) - Cianjur - DPD Golkar Party Cianjur, West Java, still support Dedi Mulyadi to become a candidate for governor in elections Jabar 2018, to answer the hoax about the support of the DPP Golkar against other couples.
Chairman of the DPD Golkar Party Cianjur, Tb Mulyana in Cianjur, Sunday (24/09/2017) expressed the sympathizer Dedi Mulyadi had questioned the emergence of a letter of recommendation DPP Golkar Party which contains support for Ridwan Kamil and Daniel Mutaqien in the upcoming Election Jabar.
"The news was circulated in social media, but we made sure the structure and sympathizers will not easily split the hoax issue, we immediately contacted the DPP regarding it and stated the news was a lie," he said.
This, he said, was denied by the Golkar Party DPP secretary general for not issuing letters of recommendation for couples who are not Golkar cadres. Since long, he added, in Cianjur and other cities / districts have been formed fanastis Kang Dedi Mulyadi.
"The structure of the DPD of Golkar Party of Cianjur has been solid, including outside the existing structure of a fanatical community towards Dedi Mulyadi. In other districts have formed a command to support Dedi Mulyadi," he said.
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